Monday, August 18, 2008

Hi, I'm a running tap, my name is andy. (Don't ask me why its andy, the name andy reminds me of a tap. Specifically the tap in the panadol cold advertisement)

Ah forget it, scrap the Andy part.

Anyway, I went to the doctor as a perfectly fine 'patient' this morning, saying I had a diarrhoea because I had eaten out the day before (I eat out everyday, actually). The doc gave me three types of medicine and an mc for two days. Oh, maybe I really had a LITTLE bit of diarrhoea, but whatever it doesn't hurt me.

After that, I went back home for lunch, bathed and met ashley at Eastpoint burger King to study. It was freaking cold there, so I'm really lucky I brought the jacket. Both of us stayed there till 9+, and this studying session left me feeling quite accomplished. Didn't cover much chapters but at least I wrote out some notes and familiarized with them.

Absolutely accomplishing, because I returned with a fine, wonderful runnynose/cold. Let me tell you why that's accomplishing. Even though the doc gave me 2 days MC, I was planning to go to school just for SS lessons. But hey, since I'm in this terrible state now, might as well as not go, huh. Something will crop up everytime I try to pon school (be it for studies of what), last time rashes popped out, and now its a cold.

A cold won't stop me from work, so the next stop was Terie's house. Over there, we switched off the lights and only left the table lamps on, complete with my ipod connected to her portable speaker system. Classical music whoo.

Stayed there till 1130 pm, thanks for having me ah :D

Picture tomorrow, Im freaking tired.

I'm freaking tired AND i have a freaking runny nose.

Freak runny noses, bye. NIGHTS.

oh, I used a grand total of 121 sms today. (Y)

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